Life's double whammy

 Hi All,

Got caught up in some obligations then became sick. Thought I'd be able to make up for lost writing while recovering but slept mostly. C'est la vie. Kind of light update. Hoping to get back into gear with the next one. Enjoy.

Mega - Zippy - Mediafire


  1. Oof, well as they say. Take the time to heal, so you can properly focus on the things you need to do. I can tell you from experience that writing, or creating anything while sick is a painful experience and usually ends with things needing to get redone since your not at your best.

    Looking forward to the coming work, hoping that you can get things fixed so even if the passages aren't fully written out you can at least get them all set so they can forward you to the next part of the story so that the daily cycle / rotations aren't broken. IE: Following 1 path but it bottoms out with a passage that doesn't move to the next option, or you go to end the day and you have to look through 17 passages trying to find one that will allow you to go to sleep.

    I enjoy the work you've got on it and like I said I am really looking forward to the upcoming content. So keep up the good writing.

    1. Hehe, thanks for the words of encouragement. I do wish things could loop already but it will take some more time. The real issue slowing things down is just my ambitions.

      Right now, I'm hoping to make a really satisfying loop with the mom then move on to the dad. I think then it'd be at a really good place to be supported and you all would have a good idea of how it'd be for each of the main characters.

    2. Your more than welcome, I try to do positive reinforcement when something deserves it (or even someone), just like when somethings a pile of steaming feces I mention it (People like these comments a lot less though.)..... LOL

      And I understand how you feel with wanting to work in sequences, do these bits, get this working, jump to this and work on this series. It's kind of how I like to work, since work flows better and faster when you have proper work flow.

      What I was trying to say in regards to the daily cycle / rotating ground hog day. Was, with the passages that aren't complete yet, maybe go in and put a (TO BE FILLED IN LATER) comment, then put the code in place to move to the next section. Rinse and repeat until you have the paths all caught up to the evening, then have those point at 1 sleep passage (I usually do a sleep_redirect passage in the twine projects I work on, and all the possible ends of the day point there, and that spot has the code to reset things that need to get reset, updates variables that needs it, and set in the random variables for the coming day.)

      But as long as things work for you, then keep it up. It is an enjoyable and well written bit of work.


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