More Judy
More Judy stuff!
Found under the trick-isolate morning conversation. As always, I try not to use too much porn logic and I think that what I have there works(?). It's gonna be a long way away but you eventually figure out that it's a very volatile day and that a lot of important events happens for everyone. So, in that sense, your mom and dad are already at the end of their ropes and I think that allows some room for taboo/less logical/desperate things to happen.
It might be a bit lost in writing but that's the idea behind it. Either way, here it is:
In other news: I have a subscribe star now! Yay. I listed the rewards, which was voting on which family member to work on before I decided to focus on single characters. I'm thinking that I can keep the same thing so that there can be simultaneous development, or maybe have a vote for morning/afternoon/evening story development. Also open to suggestions.
Either way, I'll figure it out and announce it sometime this week. You can check it out here.
Thanks and enjoy!
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