Judy Afternoons

 Hello all,

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Not a whole bunch of story content update on this one. There are lots of background stuff that needs to be aligned for the rest of the story to progress so I've been hashing that out. The story telling that was there was a bit rushed so I'm also expanding onto that.

I'm currently setting flags, considering previous variations and outcomes and possible story branches. Just a fancy way to saying I'm deciding where things should go and making sure that past events will register properly. If anything next week's update should be more sizeable.

Female PC content is being added simultaneously which might give you all a bit of fun to look at if you're so inclined. If the female player character can get there, I'm essentially asking what her variations would be and setting up potential story branches. They most likely won't be fleshed out until later on but it's there if you're interested. Same will probably go for father-daughter content.

That's it from me. Enjoy!


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