Yo, yo!

Hello everyone, I hope you had a great rest of your year. There’s no release however I did want to touch in with you all…

I will be doing this full time now, putting in as much energy as I can. From my previous releases, I typically added 10-30k words per week. I believe I should be able to sustain 30k+, give or take. I’m sure there will be weeks of amazing content and others that are less than stellar due to the nature of how I typically operate.

If you all didn’t know, I do have a subscribe star and will be ironing things out on that. I’m not 100% about the time frames but I think I’ll stagger public releases while subscribers receive weekly versions. I ask that if you can afford it, do consider subscribing.

I know with the whole crowd-funded projects, there are no guarantees with it and I cannot promise you anything, really. I want to be upfront that I am human, get stressed and shut down. Probably more than the average bear. I have gained a lot of tools throughout my life to help me deal with it to a capacity where I’m comfortable in saying that I’m dedicated to this and confident enough in myself to pursue it. Despite my best efforts though, I may disappoint you at some point in time and we will just need to be okay with that.

Think of supporting me like growing a tomato. Trust me, I’d rather be done with it all and just sell you a tomato at a reasonable price. But I’m making a tomato that doesn’t exist, so I have to get the tools, set it up, spend time on maintenance, tweak it and we might still not get a pretty tomato. If you’re okay with investing in something instead of paying for a finished product then feel free to support me. If you’d like a finished product, enjoy the public releases and wait until it’s completed. The final version of the game will be free with a premium paid version. Anyone who has supported me once, will get a code for the premium version, assuming I can arrange all that.

I’d rather have many people support me a little than a few support me a lot. Because of this, I may not have subscription tiers but we shall have to see.

Now let’s make some weird tomatoes.


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