Pending release

Hi all,
So in recent weeks, I read a post online asking, “How is this still so unplayable?” and that has seriously gotten me thinking. I thought I was doing a good job so it was a bit of a downer. I got a fresh perspective on the game, as in “I’ve never played SaSAR before, what is it?” and realized that story elements were too tightly funneled for players to reliably reach and that story pathing was a bit nonsensical and didn't assist replayability.
I have been cooking up a (what I considered a backup at the time) system and now that I see the current issues, I’m pursuing the “new” system as a fix. To be honest, I’ve been building up to this system anyways but accidentally putting it everywhere instead of unifying it; so kind of building it sideways. The "new" system is an attempt at aligning all previous 'sideways' progress.
The system will be complex but if done correctly, should easily integrate and add incredible value in all present aspects so previous work will not be lost at all. I’m determined to hammer this out to have the game be increasingly accessible and refined. I’ve stated before, I have no idea what the end product will be but it will be something worth poking through.
What am I talking about? I think my writing/coding has been hinting at a complex, customizable, moddable robust system for text-based story telling with integrated adult/sex features. I’m unsure if I could have written/coded this any earlier because the actual learning/writing/thinking process has been brewing for over 10 years in the background. If you know of AIF (Adult interactive fiction) you may know what I'm hinting at.
I have a lot of it mapped out and things look promising. I will continue with a $3 final product campaign and honestly think it’s a good pricing model. Continued support means you get to know what’s the latest. Think of it as a revolving tipping system where you’re guaranteed the final product at 1 pledge, however subsequent pledges get you access to the latest “shiny” content. Previous or non-pledgers will get access to "barebones" public update with occasional shiny content integration... (if that makes any sense)
With that said, I think I’ve managed to put down a whole lot of foundation really quickly and don’t know if I can consistently top that. But I’m foolishly resilient and looking to improve, so who knows. I’ll try and push out a playable build of what I mean as soon as possible. There will be a “bigger” 2304 Alpha public release in the near future with new features (Just a fancier first release for April 2023 with new system). I was hoping to have it up today but no dice. I can go into more detail but it’s probably best if you all just waited to test it out. Less hype, more expectation management. That is all, peace!


  1. Don't worry about what other people want. Most of them don't even actually care about the state of game. Even if it was complete, they'd just find something else to complain about. Work at your pace and be transparent about everything you do. People who actually enjoy what you bring to them won't press you to rush anything.


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