Tomorrow's release

Haha, ‘tis I, Icarus Dragon returned at the last possible second with news!

I bet you thought I took your dollars and ran away! All 10 of you will never recover financially now! My greatest heist was pulled off. All it took was 10 years and a bit of lying to get $30 whole dollars. Ah yes, one victim for each year… one dollar for each hole… Patience pays off people. Honestly, with a little budgeting, I can live the rest of my life in luxury but I am back with updates! Heroic and honest am I (end scene).

Jokes aside, I finally realize what I have/been building now. I've been working sideways and only the patient actually knew what was happening. I am slowly understanding that I’m doing two things, setting down digital storytelling tracks based on adult/sex elements and building a (incest) story on top of it to test how it runs. It is taking shape to potentially be something very powerful and exciting.

So, as for the absence, a mid-week release turned into a next Monday release which turned into a “they’ll never know what I mean if I only show them bits and pieces.” So, the ideal is a scheduled release/update every Monday, however I cannot always abide by that. Once codes are stabilized, it should return to that schedule with just content updates and tweaks. Writing code and thinking unilaterally can only be measured in X headaches for now.

Progress and time estimations are a bit unknown but I have most of the prototype thought out, the coding just needs to be designed and built then can be easily copied for varied situations. I am literally making something that doesn’t exist, so I do apologize for the delays. I may be chasing my tail or onto something big but for $3 and a 2 year wait, you can skip the circus attraction and just get whatever this ends up to be. I am dedicated to quality, accessibility and a varied story. I won't compromise on that, promise.

So, the updates are numerous but I’ll try to recap them quickly:

Standard interaction system
    - You can talk, interact, observe or manipulate whoever you’re talking to. Stories will branch off of this. See Judy’s morning talk scene about past/present/future. Variations lead to specific scenarios making it so options don’t always lead to the same outcome.

    - What’s present is just Judy’s place holder morning. It can/will get much more complex and be like this for all family members.

    - The best time to engage the family will be in the morning when they’re all actually home. After that, you’ll need to follow them to further engage.

    - Game will be much more free flowing with inter-mixing story points depending on random chance variations. It’s not as time consuming to connect together and previous content is still available.

Chrono shop

    - There will be perks available for purchase in the Chrono shop. The game may feel a little skewed at first due to the lack of them, but they will be there

    - The simple loop mechanic for the game is:
        - Play game: naturally increase stats through story elements + training
        - Stats cap at 100, so turning stats into chrono points is desired/necessary
        - Chrono points - use to buy perks and bonuses that will help your character’s chances. Example: if lucky, you’ll always receive 10 additional chance.
        - Perks planned to be in the game are: increasing libido and modifying aspects of self. I am going for realism but you can break that if you want on your own with perks.

Standardize sex system
    - A single story telling system that will change depending on who your partner is. This means writing one scenario can fits all characters, saving time and sets up for additional characters.

    - Both gender perspective and actions are described with gender point of view variation/wants/goals

    - Additional systems will be built for different sex positions/partners/locations/rape/bondage and you should be able to put any of the characters into any scenario, granted you pass the skill checks.
    - What’s currently planned is a blowjob/oral, cowgirl, doggy, against wall, using couch, using chair and various rape scenes.

    - More can/will be added
    - For now, you can skip to sex with the family members by visiting them in the room.

Additional notes
    - If you’re new to my content, I am writing about straight sex between men and women. Multiple partners will be included at some point but genders and sexual orientations will remain xx/xy. No hate towards anyone, I think the idea of life and conception is an interesting thing and not having that factor is less interesting for me. Ableism and fertility issues aside, life is messy, this is a game depicting a cartoon-storybook affluent, beautiful family with too much time and family trauma. Play it or don’t.

   - If you’re not already aware, there are many other artists who cater to all tastes. They are typically more popular but I’m going for a realistic, sometimes wholesome, dark, dramatic, melancholic, nostalgic and carefree story. Having animal people or a horny virus, or magic is not part of the intended aesthetics. Science will be featured heavily and perk options may eventually break the game from ‘real immersion’ but this is all at the discretion of the player and reversible.

    - My content is up to me, no hate towards anyone but don’t read a book about submarines and be mad that helicopters are not mentioned.

    - Mods and customizations are always possible but most likely not developed by me. (Futa, gay/lesbian, other species sex).

As for imagery, I left it for last and haven’t generated enough to add because the service I’m using is too porni-fied (exaggerated breast size/sexual traits). I’ll look for other services to replace it and settle on whatever works best with a potential mix of different types of generated photos. The code to show images is there but nothing will only show the generic family image if no other images are selected.

So, with that said, let’s continue on this show! THERE WILL BE A RELEASE TOMORROW AFTER TESTING. If you didn’t already know:

One pledge for this campaign will get you the end Premium version by a pending 2025 date.

Current and return pledgers during this campaign:
    - Have access to the latest ‘shiny’ (more flair content) updates
    - End Premium version and subsequent after development updates (the full product with support/fixes - not including DLC or expansions if it comes to that, after 1.0 release)
    - Think of it as a revolving tipping system where one pledge gets you the product and subsequent pledges are tips for the latest updates

Non-current or one time pledgers during this campaign:
    - Have access to the latest ‘shiny’ updates for the duration of their pledge
    - Retain additional files which subsequent ‘barebones’ updates should integrate with and not break. If I break something major, the latest, unbroken ‘shiny’ version will become available to everyone at the next release
    - End Premium version and subsequent after development updates (the full product with support/fixes - not including DLC or expansions if it comes to that, after 1.0 release)

I really want to be fair with my pricing model but I am running into some technological/resource choke points. I am trying to expand very quickly with very little and funding sooner than later would really help but we shall see if people like what I have here with a better look. I am done with the writing, I just need to test, which becomes more time consuming with complexity. Anyways, it’ll be up tomorrow.

Too many words, not enough time. Thank you all for listening. - Icarus


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