2401B Orgasm fixed


Hi again,

So the interactions were much more broken then I thought they were. I have been catching and fixing things as I see it and have a new stable release. I have completed the orgasm sequence however it is not bug free and may change gender/wording from time to time. I am also messing around with the balancing as if your stats are too high, it’s near impossible to cum… Get it below:

Mega - Mediafire - FileTransfer

So, I’m in a conundrum… I had hoped that my writing would have garnered enough attention to have some type of significant funding by now but it hasn’t lifted off. This is putting a strain on me as I haven’t even been paid once for this... If some of you didn’t know, I am a struggling artist and want to make something amazing but it’s going to require time and resources. I’m doing what I can with time but resources have been circling zero for months. Honestly, I am just asking for even 1000 people to pledge the $3 and I’d be good to go. I mean, ideally it goes viral and I get all the funding I need for a comfortable 2025 release but that’s just hopeful thinking… so hop on the $3 train if you haven’t already. One pledge of $3 during this campaign on subscribestar or paypal will get you the 2 million word, fully-imaged incest game/story projected to release 2025, playable on most browser. Actual price is subject to change once it releases.

What happens now? So, as my many disclaimers suggest, this is an incest game that doesn’t shy from darker elements. Having functioning sex scenes means that I can write the story and if necessary, point to these scenarios that should fill the sex side of it. With stable vanilla sex scenes done, I’d like to add in a drugged sex scene, a tied up rape scene and a drunk sex scene. These 3 scenarios have dubious consent and will have their own mechanics and feel to it. I don’t believe in subjecting anything to torture or rape, but I won’t shy away from writing about it. I am not edgy nor do I possess a hatred for women/men, I simply want to explore the human condition. If you disagree… well don’t read it. After that, I'll start developing the dialogue system, bedroom and day loop.

I have also decided that the images will be of greater quality after all. Human beings are visual creatures and visual aids assist greatly in the sexiness category. So instead of some half measure, it will eventually have high quality images via AI, although that is a bit in the future. What’s released today is just a more stable version with orgasms working. Next time, in maybe 3-4 weeks will be the additional sex scenes. Looking forward to then, thanks!


  1. I dunno what all this fuss about but I just found out this game and ıt's great alright. The reason games are not made proper is cause of people complaining stuff of the past instead of appreciating the fact that dude be still developing this after 8 years like do you want them to just stop and go like tf u guys want lmao. That is why COD releases a new IP every 1-2 years and yall can't wait for GTA six cause good shit takes time. Just let this man cook and give him some good advice, don't complain dude. And devy, if u reading this know that u pretty good and we can't wait the day u make this a working nice game yo, we believe in you.

    1. It wasn't a complaint. It's information and advice. When working on a project, any project, you have to consider it's development cycle. This is essentially the same idea from years ago, and it hasn't really grown. It has changed, yes, and what is here is good. I'm not making any arguments against that. But when you create a project with the intention to make money, you have to have something that people are willing to buy into.

      Bringing up the past is important here, because if I didn't, who's to say that the developer doesn't understand where there problems exists. Your history makes a lot of difference, because that's what people know you for. Is that something you can change? Yes. I pointed that out. Look at other developers in the industry right now. So many have bad reputations for releasing bad games that it makes them lose customers. Those customers don't come back at the next game thinking it was a one time thing. Once you lose the trust of a customer, you have to do something to earn it back. That's how business works.

      Don't think I'm here bullying this developer for not completing their project from years ago. That's the farthest thing from what I'm doing. But don't go telling everyone "You can do it if you put your mind to it" because that's not how the world works. Being a self employed indie developer or an author, for that matter, is not easy work.

      As I said, I like this work and want it to continue. But I'm not dumb. I'm not going to give my money to someone who promises something and doesn't have a good track record of delivering.

      If you looked at my comment and thought it was a complaint, or thought there was no constructive advice, I'm sorry. That's not the intention when I wrote it. And if any developers out there read similar comments and decide to quit afterword's, good for them. They are not ready for this industry. There are much harsher people out there that will say and do much worse.


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