New release


Hi everyone,

I was really hoping to beat the new year but testing took place. Thank you for your patience. Here is the latest version! Download below:

Mega - FileTransfer - Mediafire

So I had to rebuild everything to account for the new system. All in all, it took 120,000 words before the system started coming together. It’s been a lot of blind guessing and ‘build it now, check it later.’ Using the new writing style, scenarios for all characters should be completed at the same time. Of course that means 5x the length with each character’s variation but it’ll be better than the individual story telling before. The original way had funneling branches that were cut off from each other and at one point would need to copy paste over for all family members (which is why I reduced the estimated words because the newer system will account for it).

As I’ve said, this isn’t all a particularly unique idea… it just hasn’t been done well enough and that’s where I aim to step up. So check it out. Even as I’m building the end game system, everything is subject to change. The AI images that I use are low-ish effort and meant to be stand-ins for your imagination. They will most likely never be pixel perfect and specific images may come and go as I update it. Artifacts, lower quality or bad zooms may be present.

Also, there are a lot more women's photos than men’s… There’s a 2 part reason for that… 1. The AI generator ( I use does not have as many options for men. This is because porn of men aren’t as typically sought after, making the AI bug out a bit as it tries to assign feminine traits all the time. 2. I am not attracted to men and honestly do not know what women consider attractive. All images are subject to change however if I put in naked 40’s/20’s/18 year old men, viola, something appears. As male attractiveness is more touchy (imho), I may end up cropping out a lot of faces as I feel that’s best for immersion, however that may change depending upon feedback.

But yes, sex and people are complicated and quantifying it down into numbers and words is hard. I’ve mentioned before that what I’m making doesn’t really exist and I am finally figuring things out. As the game is taking shape, adjustments will be made in probably all aspects. What you see and experience may not always be the highest quality but we’ll eventually get there with the new system. What’s planned next is completing the bedroom content as it’s meant to be the hub and then the dialogue system with scenarios sprinkled throughout. It should pick up pace as I iron things out and I’d like to get to biweekly releases but we shall see. There were lots of times before that I wanted to check in but decided that the next time I spoke I would have a release so tada.

What I did write is roughly 170000 words or 380+ pages in 5-6 months - although a considerable portion of it is code. Kind of slow if you asked me but we shall see going onward. The nice part is, I should be able to just add sexual positions and new characters into the already established system. I tried to make it even more robust but scaled back due to difficulty. I did a lot of testing but with so many pages, I can only read so much before I get bored/lose focus. The orgasm function is broken because it’s complicated… I’ll give it a proper read and fix any errors I find for the next release.

I may keep repeating things but am doing my best. It’s honestly a lose-lose situation. The unfortunate realities of running a business (and living) on $30 a month. That’s it from me though, thank you for your patience once again! I’ll try to be more in contact. Thanks! - IcarusDragon


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