FAQ and updates

Hi all,

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Sorry the game is not finished enough, hehe. I managed to update the game on the forum so we have an influx of people playing. Let me address some things:

1. Yeah it was called Marmota Nights, referring to groundhogs cause of "Groundhog Day". Changed it cause "Marmota Nights" isn't very good sounding. It's now Sex and Sex Again Revival or SaSAR.

2. There's multiple version floating around, one on edit this and what not. Some things won't overlap and of course this one will be the most current/up to date version.

3. Some things won't transfer over directly because I had too many "are you sure?" dialogues in my old writing. Trying to write it this time without so much asking.

4. Yeah, I left the scene shortly after trying to start something. I wanna say I was young, dumb and angry. Now I'm just dumb and angry. But still determined to do this thing. I know now to not take things personal. -\(:/)/-

5. If the story statistic is to be believed and the words-to-pages calculator I use is correct, then the story is already over 500 pages long ATM. Most of it should be available but you got to do some digging unfortunately. Check back in a month or so. I will hopefully have the mom's content partially completed so you can at least loop there.

6. In my time playing interactive adult fiction, I have come to the conclusion that fun trumps all. No clocks, no hidden timed events, no pointless grinding; just content, variations and surprises that will mostly be indicated. This is very much a choose-your-own adventure and is, ideally, highly reactive to your choices. We're just not there yet.

7. I've written this thing drunk, sleep deprived, angry, hyper, on the verge of tears and nearly dead (exaggerating). Quality control is tough to say the least. If you find something that doesn't make sense or some writing that's just plain bad, chances are I agree with you that it's messed up. I'll get around to it and am constantly fixing typo's, passages and errors as I find them.

8. I'll leave some notes indicating what I'm doing and have already closed off some options. Presentation is tough to work with right now cause I'm building outward and if I get a spark of inspiration, I add onto certain branches which I'll then need to close off because of focusing and it only compounds with each choice. It's a messy spiderweb of a story and only a fraction (maybe of another fraction) done.

Either way, I hope you all enjoy it. I miss writing some other characters but Judy will be the focus for perhaps another month or two. After that, I'll get some daughter-father content going so you all have a better understanding of how each of them plays. Peace~!


  1. Just wanted to say that it's tough to be a dev in this world because nothing is ever good enough. You'll get a few people who are happy with what you do, but the vast majority are trolls who think that because they have the time to sit on their asses and do nothing, that if YOUR not busting your ass 23 hours a day, then your in the wrong.

    Don't let them get you down. Also.... Speaking from my own history of spending almost 25 years locked in a mindset of rage, hate, and anger..... Try to find something that can take the edge off, because when the anger burns right through you it ruins EVERYTHING.

    I was a dev a couple years ago, doing Renpy and Daz full time, on top of a full time job, and the negativity from the f95 team and members, burned me out hard. I am working on getting back into creating things atm, so I can understand your views.

    Just remember your creating things because YOU want too, and the trolls have nothing to do with it. Keep up the good work, and get things done as you can, and remember some of us only complain because we want to see more content, not wear you down.


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