3rd Update

Hi all, another decent expansion to Judy’s content. Mostly night stuff and a few fixes here and there. Get it below:

MEGA - Zippyshare - Mediafire

For the rest of January (including this coming update), there’ll be another blast of content for Judy then she’ll be a secondary focus. The other branches I had planned for her morning stuff isn’t as strong. They deviate from the day too much to really be super entertaining. They’re mostly there to set up how much you can push the story to be different but its content is meant for a bolder player-character that isn’t currently possible.

I’m hoping to wrap up or at least close the loops on most of the afternoon and night content for Judy. I’m not sure how easy and cohesive it is for the average user, but I have found myself on the second day breakfast a lot, which is encouraging. That's the goal if you hit an untimely end or sleep. Of course, much more refinement is needed at the moment.

As someone suggested, the naming scheme will be YEAR/MONTH VERSION. So 2301C is 2023, January, version C. I may drop this naming scheme eventually but it's better than .0001 alpha something ABC. It just essentially tells you what month and iteration it is which I'm fine with.

The first release of Jim-Female PC content will be in February.  I’m hoping to get Jim’s content up to something like Judy’s so there’s a little for each PC gender. I already have a few ideas and hopefully, it’ll be quick to expand. That’s all for this week. Looking forward to the next. Peace!


  1. Nice work dude, good to see back. The custom character checks seem to be broken and they will always fail

  2. That's a decent idea for naming convention, keeps it nice and organised.


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