Blog only nit-picking


Kevin's face is too pale, he's dressed up too fancy and hair looks kinda stupid, imho.
Kelly looks too much like a model and the cleavage is unnecessary. She should be girl next door pretty.
Oh my, Judy-pie. More conservative clothing but proportions and face is nice. Also deformed AI hand.
Uh, Jim might be a bit too serious looking but I wanted there to be some contrast instead of him just looking like a male model.
Fred here is an accidental Kevin. I got some very weird athletic photos trying to get the gist of Fred. Semi happy with the results as he should be good looking but once again, hair is stupid.

Could have a sexier picture of Abby as she's meant to be portrayed that way but nice how it is. Maybe needs a little more crazy in the eyes. :D

I got images like this. Clearly the ultimate Fred-chad. Oh and it's if anyone is asking.


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