
Hi everyone,

If it wasn't already clear, this game has been worked on for a while with many different energy levels. I’ve gotten much better at doing certain things and am in the ‘standardizing’ phase as I move into full production. I'm pretty certain I can sustain writing upwards of  60+ pages in 1 week (I've done it before) but every time I try and pull away into just writing, I find a lot of messy things.

This, combined with user interface feedback has been making me reconsider my approach because it doesn’t matter what I add if people cannot access new or old content. What this means is that the game will go over a few test looks in the near future. I am hesitant to add too much imagery or fluff but the interface does require some attention and I think I have a decent amount of good ideas that I will need to test. I am in the middle of that testing and unless I undo a lot of things I put in, there is no real way for me to push out a version this week.

So, as a consolation prize, I have recently decided that the premium game will have (optional) AI, if not fully-commissioned art. Yay. I don’t know if they’ll be sexually explicit, as in show intercourse… but there’ll be a rough estimate of what's going on with the vanilla forms of the family. Subscribers get it now, others next week.

It doesn’t take that long to generate images and the images that I can get are quite enticing (for woman, men are bad on the pornpen.ai engine). Faces generally change from generated photo to photo but general body shapes and clothing may assist with visualizations. Of course, this is something that will need to be balanced and I will state once again that it will always be writing over imagery. Give me just a bit more time, the game should be revamped by this next Monday.

Oh and as a last thought, I’ve been trying to set up a way to get direct feedback from you all without paying for some type of feedback/surveying service. Any ideas would be useful. Thank you all!


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