Image Mapping

Hi all!

So, here's the visual pack featuring Abby. Once again, imagery is optional however since it's going to be there in the premium version, might as well work with it. Get it below:

Mega - Mediafire - Google Drive

With that said, the art will be AI generated, it's the easiest and most flexible. At a later date, something else may be considered however the option to toggle them on or off will be included from the get go.

The older sister story will be developed first as she is the most flexible to work with. The visual pack helps in that it solidifies a lot of the world building, looks, locations, actions, sex scenes and what not. They're suggestive, have mild nudity and will most likely include AI artifacts (bad hands, weird genitals, weird proportions, etc). The point isn't to have pretty or perfect images, it's there to add onto the story elements.

As Abby's visual pack suggests, the game will take you across the city in various locations and sex scenarios. Ideally, any character can be taken to any location for generic and character exclusive scenes. Once I have it more mapped out, it'll make sense. In terms of actual playable test build, it's not there yet and doesn't make sense to try and piece together something playable because I'll just need to undo it to continue working.

As an updated estimate, the game may be out sooner than expected. I'd say it's between 20-30% complete at the moment. I'm integrating more tools to help me speed things along and it's looking good. Last and best of all, I'm having fun doing all this. :D

That's it from me, thank you! - Icarus


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