
Developer's cycle

  Hi all, Sorry it took a bit but complexity only goes up from here and that means it’ll take more time. I completed the generic interactions for all family members and it is quite robust already. It doesn’t include any sexual options yet but the direct, contextless sexual options will still be there until it’s connected. Get it below. Mega - Media - Gofile The hard part was creating meaningful interactions and setting pathways for continued story telling. As I said, I make all this up, no AI, just AI for photos. Everything CAN be just brushed over but the point is to simulate a healthy, happy, functional family and the many ways that they can interact. These interactions will compound later on and have further implications eventually. As I said, this is a ‘realistic’ portrayal and what I had before may have been too sexual.  I may sound like a broken record but this is all very time consuming and I’m behind on technology and bills. If you haven’t already, consider pledging to subscrib


 Hi all, This upcoming update will be a bit delayed. I thought the dialogue system I came up with would be simpler than it is. The good part is, once it's completed, dialogue and non-sex interactions will be available in game. Just checking in, thanks! - Icarus

Inside voices

Yeah, I appreciate the leeway. You can be the greatest writer ever but if you can’t market, or program or whatever then it’s kind a mute point. If anything, timing is my greatest failing and that has to do with being unable to coordinate being a writer, programer, tester, advertiser and marketer. I’m sorry if the dozen or so people who have pledged feel like they haven’t gotten their $3’s worth. I haven’t received it either as there’s a minimum threshold so we’re just talking about pretend money and investments at the moment. But what’s there is iterative, meaning to be built upon. I don’t really want to spend time defending myself but some games will give you 3 panels for choice so I dunno. These are the beginning brushstrokes of a much larger piece of work and if you can see its promise, great. If you can’t, sit tight, it’ll just get clearer until a $3 ask is a no brainer. If I sound desperate, I am at month 14 of my project and honestly could have timed things to work out better for

Drugged scenes update

Hi all, I completed the drugged sex scene. It’s taken from the old game where you can slip Judy drugs and take advantage of her at night. I know it being condensed like this to just jump into the sexual action isn’t exactly riveting story telling or game play but once again, writing the encounters then building the game to point at them. That’s the idea at least. Either way, get it below: Mega - Media - FileTransfer So still trying to find funding. It’s hard because of the nature of what I’m writing. I’m pedaling an incest, rape game and you can’t just open a conversation like that. But a little history for the uninitiated, I used to read adult literary erotica, mostly written by random internet fellows on weird html and other websites. While waiting on a story to progress, I decided to write my own. What ended up as a 16 hour feverish writing session would make it’s way to become the beginnings of Marmota Nights! Marmota (meaning groundhog for repeating day) Nights focused heavily on

2401B Orgasm fixed

  Hi again, So the interactions were much more broken then I thought they were. I have been catching and fixing things as I see it and have a new stable release. I have completed the orgasm sequence however it is not bug free and may change gender/wording from time to time. I am also messing around with the balancing as if your stats are too high, it’s near impossible to cum… Get it below: Mega - Mediafire - FileTransfer So, I’m in a conundrum… I had hoped that my writing would have garnered enough attention to have some type of significant funding by now but it hasn’t lifted off. This is putting a strain on me as I haven’t even been paid once for this... If some of you didn’t know, I am a struggling artist and want to make something amazing but it’s going to require time and resources. I’m doing what I can with time but resources have been circling zero for months. Honestly, I am just asking for even 1000 people to pledge the $3 and I’d be good to go. I mean, ideally it goes viral and


Haha, I read some online comments saying that it's broken. Yes, I know it's broken, it's more proof of concept than anything. I'm hoping to get a more stable version out in 2 weeks. Also, people didn't like the male images. Eh, can't please everyone (or anyone). Good thing is, I'm mentally well enough to know it doesn't matter cause at worst they say it sucks and at best they ask what's next. I realized that even though I think it's relatively easy to do, just time consuming, that isn't the case... it's very complicated. At one point it will get good enough to garner a lot of attention then I'll be like, where's the haters? Such is life. But yes, more in contact and more regular releases. I should be able to add positions and people into the sex system easily once there are no more bugs. That is the draw of it imo but story elements also need to be added to round it out first. But that's just one day of internet sleuthing. Sti

New release

  Hi everyone, I was really hoping to beat the new year but testing took place. Thank you for your patience. Here is the latest version! Download below: Mega - FileTransfer - Mediafire So I had to rebuild everything to account for the new system. All in all, it took 120,000 words before the system started coming together. It’s been a lot of blind guessing and ‘build it now, check it later.’ Using the new writing style, scenarios for all characters should be completed at the same time. Of course that means 5x the length with each character’s variation but it’ll be better than the individual story telling before. The original way had funneling branches that were cut off from each other and at one point would need to copy paste over for all family members (which is why I reduced the estimated words because the newer system will account for it). As I’ve said, this isn’t all a particularly unique idea… it just hasn’t been done well enough and that’s where I aim to step up. So check it out.